Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This is how we get our mail from Bob

Count them...190 single stamps. 
Guess he's using up all his old single value stamps for a good purpose!  The stamps value from 2 cents to 34 cents.  The postmistress just had to laugh and said "someone has a sense of humor".

Bruce came home from the hospital today.  Keep fingers crossed that this time the sutures hold. 

update 6/30..sutures ruptured and Bruce is back in the hospital :-(

Friday, May 24, 2013

Something was in the side yard last night

It was definitely not a deer.  I'm hoping it was a raccoon and not a bear this early!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Three bucks, four does in our side yard

 I could only get six on them in one frame out of the upper window, hence the glare.  They seem to like the apple tree blossoms which means less apples for Blackberry the bear this Fall.

Unfortunately, I had to shoo them away when they started to eat my perennials which are supposed to be deer resistant.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wonder of the World

 A plant with amazing qualities.  I harvested these in St Lucia, stuck them in a book and they sprouted!   Next, I planted them in some potting soil so the little roots and sprouting leaflets have a place to grow.
We'll see if I can nourish the leaves to be able to actually get new plants to grow.
Google "Wonder of the World" to learn about the amazing healing properties of this plant.
It "cured" Bruce's water on the elbow and is supposed to fix things like diabetes, headaches, hyper tension, high blood pressure and the like.  Nothing like a little Caribbean voodoo.
I wonder if Wonder of the World can help a colostomy reversal heal faster???? 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Eat your heart out Southern California urbanites! Costco

Costco in Gypsum (Vail area) Colorado on a Thursday afternoon.  You could roll a bowling ball down the isles and not hit anyone.  No lines, no waiting, no crowds.  Gotta love it!  All the same stuff too!  Maybe not as much meat in the counters but considering the volume, it's all good.  Same samples too! 
On our way back through Glenwood Canyon, Bruce spotted a Big Horn Sheep MALE with full horns along the side of the highway.  Too late to get a pic and there wasn't any off ramps convenient to get back to do a re-do.  Bruce got a special sighting of a full grown Ram. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Beautiful drive to Colorado

 Canyon lands of Utah
Kitty cat "Sven" waited until we were turning into the Colorado driveway to throw up.   Nine hours in a car and he waits until we get here to heave.  Go figure.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Simba's swimming lesson

He has zero body fat so he sinks to the bottom.  We're working on him getting comfortable with floating.  Trust me, Simba, trust me!  I will not let you sink!
The crew of the Chicken is leaving on a jet plane tomorrow.  Bruce was able to advance his reversal surgery to May 23rd; two weeks early.  Sharon and Bruce will be in CA for a couple days, collect the cats and head out to Colorado ASAP to prepare for yet another hospital visit.
We'll continue the website from the US.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunset in Rodney Bay Marina

We decided to leave the boat, again, in Rodney Harbor to return to the US to advance Bruce's surgery date.  A delivery crew will take the Chicken boat to Trinidad and put her up on the hard until December.
Took her out to test the engine, play a little sailing, snorkel a little bit, then back in a slip.  Scheduled to leave Tuesday late afternoon.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bruce found a new wardrobe

Regular extra long short sleeved tee shirts were too hot.  Now he has "wife beaters" which are cooler to wear but he's not allowed on shore wearing them!