Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New 2015!

Bruce, Sharon, Patti and Rich!  Don't you just love the paper hats?  They came in our Christmas "crackers".  It contained a "toy" and a hat. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

We have a special needs kitty. This is the only way Gunnar will take food.

Gunnar is doing great but requires being hand fed and Sub-Q injections every other day.  The food bowl is 10 feet away but he won't eat out of it.  Go figure that one out.         I'll take whatever just to have him around for a couple years longer. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Amatuer hour cookie sampler 2014

Next year maybe we'll experiment with icing!  Take it up a notch up.
Haven't had any complaints on the taste.  Bruce has been gobbling them up!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Gunnar's make shift hospital IV station

Warmed IV fluids hanging from the log, nice slip proof rug on the counter, all ready to go.
We only got about 20ml into him tonight but we don't like to stick him more than once per day.  We'll try again in the morning.