Thursday, July 25, 2013

Some more government waste...this time in Newport Beach CA

First concrete "dinosaur" eggs in Colorado, now concrete "bunnies" in Newport Beach.  Both examples are stupid and a waste of taxpayer money, in my opinion.  Are these 12 bunnies having a seance? What are they doing???? 

99.9% of the "people" won't even know why the eggs are located on the bus system routes, nor will have a clue about the bunnies.  But your tax money is being spent.

Am I crazy or are the elected officials?  How could someone with a financial responsibility conscience agree to this?  Most likely the answer was "There was money left over in the budget so we had to spend it".  I actually heard that comment first hand from an employee of mine on the Christmas Party budget so I understand the mentality.  UGH!

How long is it going to take for the ears to be broken off and the body graffiti-ed?  Or a couple of the little ones above to be stolen? I assume they are not "insured" so money either way down the drain.

...I'm becoming speechless and wagging my head more in disbelief.

I'm not meaning for this to become political, but these examples I just couldn't resist.  Sorry everyone.

1 comment:

Larry Jones said...

Couldn't agree with you more! Seems all forms of our government are out of control...from local to D.C. Absolutely no sense of responsibility concerning tax payer's hard earned cash. :(