Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Crew of the "Chicken" arrived in Port Antonio, Jamaica

We're waiting for immigration and customs to come on board to check us into Jamaica.  We made it from Curacao to Jamaica in a little under 3 days.
Police, immigration, customs, pest control finally came on board.  They searched everywhere and everything.  But unlike Mexico, they didn't confiscate any food items but did check expiration dates on the canned goods and the origin of all the frozen foods.   The food inspector was a little curious about the frozen "ground chicken" meat since we were on "free range chicken" but chuckled it off as funny.  She was also interested in why we have so much pasta and sauce on board.  "It's because of Simba" and she automatically understood.  We fed her lunch and she was a happy camper with the hot sauce and catchup.


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