Friday, April 25, 2014

Visit from Englanders....Bruce's son, Brian

Animal whisperer Brian reconnecting with Lani the bird.
No-one has gotten this close to Lani  for months and he does it within 30 minutes.  Amazing!  Anyone else would have lost a nose or a finger.  He even got tongued!
Serenade....Neil Young's "Old Man, Take a Look at My Life".
Like Bruce needs it rubbed in....

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Never thought trying to bake a bundt cake could be so difficult.

Bruce's son and girlfriend from England are coming over to dinner Friday night and I wanted to make my killer chocolate bundt cake but couldn't find the second beater to my mixer.  So I called a friend as asked if she had one to borrow.  Bruce ran over and picked it up and this is what I borrowed.  Clearly a 1960's Sunbeam mixer and a hand held from way before that.
Worked great and mission accomplished!
Whatever works, works!

Monday, April 21, 2014

My first tulips in 61 years! (The ones that the deer didn't eat)

Leaving Tuesday for Orange County for Bruce's sons wedding on May 3rd so I thought I'd take a picture as the tulips will be finished blooming by the time I get back.  FRC is in Annapolis Maryland for the time being.

Here he is.

Couldn't get the egg off the rock because of the Gorilla glue.  I'm very surprised he didn't eat the egg right there.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Trying to Catch the Thief

Two nights ago I put an egg outside where Foxy used to find his scrap bowl.  The critter cam didn't photo anything but blank shots but the egg was gone in the morning.
Maybe an eagle, osprey or a very quick fox got it as the camera only takes one pic every 15 seconds with it's infra red sensor.
Tonight I have taped an egg secured to a rock with Gorilla Glue.  After it's cured, we'll see if I can find out what's after the eggs!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Look what they had at the Tractor Supply store....peeps!

My sister and I always got a peep for Easter but back then they were spray dyed Easter colors like pink, green, blue...
Once grown, our Dad would take the chicks up to our grandparents farm and let them run free.
It took us a couple years to figure out what happened to the chickens.  Dad would come home in the late summer with fresh, plucked chicken for dinner.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Guess he was looking for his food bowl...

During the winter months, I usually put out a feeding bowl with left overs, scraps and chicken bones/skins, etc for the fox, raccoons and whomever when it's freezing outside.  Since it's now mid April and the bears are starting to come out of hibernation, I can't do that.  But this little Foxy guy, I think, remembers last year and was looking for his free treats bowl, exactly where I usually put the bowl.  Snow on the ground and as you can see @ 13 degrees F.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Not too exciting but I least something got caught on the critter cam

The deer are all out and all around.  I stopped into a hair salon today to collect hair clippings to spread around my 75 tulips that I planted last fall.  I've been told that deer think tulips are candy but not when planted with daffodils or "tainted" with human hair or soap.
One can only hope.  I love the deer in my yard but I was also anticipating a great tulip show this spring...

Monday, April 7, 2014

Where's Waldo?

Hit some rough bad weather off of North Carolina. Doubled reefed and motoring sailing.  Just following the gulf stream up the coast so FRC tucked into a safe harbor.  Couldn't get into the marina that was planned because it was too shallow.  Anchor down.
Dinner was canned clam chowder at midnight.
Tired, wet and worn out crew.
Need a day or two to see what the weather brings.  Time to rest up and find a marina that can handle 8.5 foot draft.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014