Sunday, May 31, 2015

Beautiful day for a raft trip

Bruce and delivery crew is in Charleston SC getting ready to take FRC  up the coast to Massachusetts for Marion - Bermuda race on June 19th. 
I'll be meeting him there later this month to provision for the trip.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


We stopped putting food out for the critters because baby bear is roaming the neighborhood but Foxy still comes by.

The police came by early this morning to tell us that baby bear hit our trash can last night. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Awww.. Got step mothers flowers for Mother's day.!

Thank you Lauren!  I added some greenery later and the buds opened to be awesome! 

These apparently came from ProFlowers and they arrived in perfect bud form and were totally in full force by Mothers Day.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Bear food

Our apple tree is loaded with blossoms this year.
If we don't have a hard freeze, we'll probably see lots of bears in our yard this fall.