Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sunset in Antigua - yeah, we haven't left yet...

We WERE going to leave Jolly Harbour this morning but it was raining tree frogs and sand fleas and it took Bruce 2 hours to get through the immigration paperwork where they make you hand write the passport information/crew list on "their" forms, then proceed to hand write 2 other forms necessary to complete the exiting the country paperwork, plus the "stamp", "stamp", "stamp" of all the copies.
So we are here for yet another night.  The sunset was so beautiful tonight that I thought I'd take a picture...but first I decided to retrieve 2 bumpers from the bow to stow and gosh darn it, the minute and a half that I wasted on the bumpers took the photo op away from me.  Come rain, sleet or snow we are leaving Antigua tomorrow and headed the 25 miles to Montserrat where there's a good anchorage.  I know, I know, leaving on a Friday is a harbinger of a bad passage but I least I don't have any bananas on board!  It will be a few days until we can post another blog.  Until then, you can always contact us at

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