Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pre & Post Bunion surgery

If anyone is thinking of having this done, this is what to expect...

Soft boot-like cast with a ton of gauze and cotton stuffing.  When the pain killers wear off, it feels like a big toe broken in two places, which is exactly what it is.  Green gauze was for St. Patrick's day.

4 1/2 months out is the last photo.  Middle toes starting to straighten out.  Range of motion is very good up, still working on the downward motion.  Final judgement will be at the 6 month point.  At least it doesn't hurt when shower water hits it anymore. (Just took my sock off so ignore the ankle marks)


Unknown said...

I think I'll stop thinking about having that surgery.....

buniondoctor.net said...

I know what it's like because one of my cousins recently had this surgery. He is recovering well but had to bear a lot of pain.